Transcending Boundaries. Contemporary Readings of the New Testament. Essays in Honor of Francis. J. Moloney

CHENNATTU Rekha M. - COLOE Mary L. (eds.)

  • Codice EAN/ISBN: 978-88-213-0565-8
  • Num. Collana: 187
  • Anno di pubblicazione: 2005
  • Pagine: 320


COD: 0565-8. Categoria:
Frank Moloney has transcended the boundaries that might have defined the career and contribution of a lesser scholar. He has made lasting contributions to the scholarship of his home country and his church. At the same time, he has moved with ease internationally and ecumenically, so that he is loved and esteemed by colleagues and former students around the world. Frank has also transcended methodological boundaries and fostered vigorous conversations about the interpretation of the New Testament and the Gospel of John in particular. It is therefore appropriate that this volume draws together contributions from a list scholars as diverse as it is impressive, that it reads like a conversation among friends, and that it repeatedly challenges conventional approaches and interpretations.
R. Alan Culpepper
(Dean, McAfee School of Theology)